
No. 07 - Trade Policy Partial Equilibrium model in Excel: Documentation

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AGRODEP Bulletin Edition 3 Volume 1

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No. 09 - Guide to Microsimulations Linked to CGE Models: How to Introduce Analysis of Poverty and…

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West African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis

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Functional Forms Commonly Used in CGE models: Exercises Solution (Training material for the…

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Stata Online Training Modules

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Who talks to whom in African agricultural research information networks? The Malawi case

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Non-Randomized Evaluations: Regression Discontinuity Design

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Examples: Impacts of Comunidades Solidarias Rurales in El Salvador and BISP in Pakistan

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Social Protection: Program Design and Evaluation

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Impact Evaluation: Stata files

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No. 0002 - Trade Reform and Quality Upgrading in South Africa: A Product-Level Analysis

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