
Impact of trade liberalization in Senegal: An assessment of the potential impacts of an Economic…

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Titre de l’étude : Construction d’une matrice de comptabilité sociale avec des branches et produits…

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Gauging on the Impact of Climate Change on Food Crops Production in Mauritius: In Quest for Weather…

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Rainfall, economic growth and poverty: evidence from Senegal and Burkina Faso?

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Measuring Technical Efficiency and Productivity Growth: A Comparison of DEA and SFA on Regional and…

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Trade Reform and Quality Upgrading in South Africa: A Product Level Analysis

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Product Standards and Africa’s Agriculture Exports

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No. 02 - Functional Forms Commonly Used in CGE Models

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The effects of migration on children’s activities in households at origin: Evidence from Senegal

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Impact of roads infrastructures on the well-being of people

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The impact of microfinance on rural poor households' incomes and vulnerability to poverty:…

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Extreme Climate Deviations, Cereal Yield and Food Security in Nigeria

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