
Modelling farmers' adaptation strategies for climate change and variability: The case of the…

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Institutional capacity for designing and implementing agricultural and rural development policies…

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Do External Grants to District Governments Discourage Own Revenue Generation? A Look at Local…

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Evaluating the impact of trade liberalization on poverty with CGE/Micro-Simulation: a review of…

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A standard computable general equilibrium model for South Africa

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Managing Future Oil Revenues in Ghana - An Assessment of Alternative Allocation Options

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Poverty in Malawi - Current status and knowledge gaps

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Gender, labor, and prime-age adult mortality: Evidence from South Africa

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Early Childhood Nutrition, Schooling, and Sibling Inequality in a Dynamic Context: Evidence from…

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Agriculture and Ethiopia’s economic transformation

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Putting Gender on the Map: Methods for Mapping Gendered Farm Management Systems in Sub-Saharan…

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Resource-Rich Yet Malnourished : Analysis of the Demand for Food Nutrients in the Democratic…

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