The Program of Accompanying Research for Agricultural Innovation (PARI) project researchers seek to identify an AGRODEP colleague from Nigeria who can work on livestock analysis as part of the project on "Trends and investment opportunities for livestock feed and fodder in Africa." The study will involve:
Assessment of the availability and quality of feed in the African livestock sector as well as bottlenecks to a supply of…
posted by bdimaranan on 4 years 2 months ago (0 comments)
posted by obayeluelijah on 4 years 2 months ago (1 comments)
I am pleased to announce the release of the new book ‘Developing Sustainable Food Systems, Policies, and Securities’. The book supports the development of sustainable food systems, policy options, and securities by various countries in order to successfully maintain sustainable food production systems.
Details are online at:
posted by pecos4eva on 4 years 2 months ago (2 comments)
I am pleased to announce the release of the new book ‘The Palgrave Handbook on Agricultural and Rural Development in Africa’.
The book examines agricultural and rural development in Africa from theoretical, empirical and policy perspectives. The book presents a robust discourse on the developmental concerns needed to be addressed in rural communities through agricultural transformation. It also emphasises on the significance of the agricultural…
posted by kathryn.kincheloe on 4 years 3 months ago (0 comments)
Présentation de MCA-Niger
L’État du Niger a conclu avec le Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), une institution américaine d’aide bilatérale au développement, un accord de don d’une enveloppe de plus de 437 millions de dollars pour la réalisation du programme Compact qui comporte deux projets majeurs :
Le projet Irrigation et Accès…
posted by kathryn.kincheloe on 4 years 3 months ago (0 comments)
Dates: 29 March - 1 April 2021
Venue : Abdou Diouf International Conference Centre, Diamniadio, Dakar, Senegal
Abstract deadline: 31 July 2020
The Executive Committee of the 4th AAHC, the Horticulture Cluster and the ISHS, invite you to the Fourth All Africa Horticultural Congress (IV AAHC) to be held at the Abdou Diouf International Conference Centre in Diamniadio, Dakar, Senegal.
posted by pecos4eva on 4 years 3 months ago (0 comments)
Call for Chapter Proposals for Edited Book on 'Socioeconomic Shocks and Africa’s Development: Lessons and Policy Directions'
The global impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic seem to have further revealed the depth of Africa’s structural weaknesses in terms of its weak response to socioeconomic shocks and the associated supply chain and logistics complexities. In spite of the restrictions in immigration and across border trade in…
posted by kathryn.kincheloe on 4 years 3 months ago (0 comments)
Call for applications
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) has initiated a collaboration with the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) to assess the impact of a series of food policy options in East Africa. IFPRI opens a call for applications to AGRODEP members willing to work on this project.
The objective of the work the study is to analyze for Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda, the price and welfare…
posted by kathryn.kincheloe on 4 years 4 months ago (0 comments)
AGRODEP Member Sylvain Kpenavoun Chogou has released a pre-print of the paper "Calcul de la moyenne d'une variable quantitative : des erreurs sont commises," which was submitted to The American Statistician. The paper highlights pitfalls and common mistakes to avoid while selecting appropriate methodology and calculating means of quantitative variables.
The document, in French, is available at the link below via ResearchGate:…
posted by kathryn.kincheloe on 4 years 4 months ago (0 comments)
Ceres2030 Virtual Dialogue
INVITATION: How are African governments responding to avert a COVID-19 hunger crisis?
** Français ci-…
posted by bdimaranan on 4 years 5 months ago (0 comments)
Dear AGRODEP colleagues,
IFPRI's Food Security Portal (FSP) has been featuring global price data and price volatility measurements for major agricultural commodities since 2010, following the world food crisis of 2007-2008. The FSP also serves as repository of domestic food price data in selected countries. Since monitoring food prices in local markets has become even more important in light of the health pandemic, the FSP recently launched…