Working papers

No. 03-The Economic Impacts of Climate Change in Ethiopia: A CGE Analysis

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No. 02-Productivity Growth and Food Security Among Maize-Based Farming Households in Nigeria

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AGRODEP SÉRIE DE DOCUMENTS DE TRAVAIL: Genre, développement agricole et réformes commerciales au…

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No. 0001 - Poverty, Growth, and Income Distribution in Kenya: A SAM Perspective

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No. 0002 - Trade Reform and Quality Upgrading in South Africa: A Product-Level Analysis

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No. 0006 - Impact of Agricultural Foreign Aid on Agricultural Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: A…

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No. 0007 - Implications of High Commodity Prices on Poverty Reduction in Ethiopia and Policy…

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No. 0008 - Rainfall and Economic Growth and Poverty: Evidence from Senegal and Burkina Faso

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No. 0009 - Product Standards and Africa’s Agricultural Exports

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No. 0010 - Welfare Effects of Policy-Induced Rising Food Prices on Farm Households in Nigeria

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No. 0011 - The Impact of Foreign Large-Scale Land Acquisitions on Smallholder Productivity:…

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No. 0012 - Analysis of Impact of Climate Change on Growth and Yield of Yam and Cassava and…

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No. 0013 - How Aid Helps Achieve MDGs in Africa: The Case of Primary Education

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No. 0014 - Is More Chocolate Bad for Poverty? An Evaluation of Cocoa Pricing for Ghana’s…

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No. 0015 - Modeling the Determinants of Poverty in Zimbabwe

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No. 0016 - The Potential Impact of Climate Change on Nigerian Agriculture

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No. 0017 - How Did Wars Dampen Trade in the MENA Region?

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No. 0018 - Rising Global Food Prices and Price Variability: A Blessing or a Curse for Global Food…

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AGRODEP Working Papers contain preliminary material and research results. They have been peer reviewed but have not been subject to a formal external peer review via IFPRI’s Publications Review Committee. They are circulated in order to stimulate discussion and critical comments; any opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of AGRODEP or of IFPRI.