GAMS Based CGE Modeling Training/Workshop (Basic) – Truly a Worthwhile Experience

I deeply appreciate the AGRODEP/IFPRI management team for the rare opportunity extended to me to participate in this all important and fully sponsored workshop. This workshop which held at the ILRI Campus in Addis Ababa between 9th and 20th of December, 2013 was exceptionally insightful and most illuminating in every respect. The course instructor - Véronique Robichaud expectedly did justice to every aspect of the curriculum as all participants were greatly imparted with right knowledge, many thanks to the extraordinary ability of Véronique to simplify and communicate potentially difficult contents with every sense of humour and humility. She ended up turning some of us who were Novices in CGE Modeling into Experts. Now we can easily undertake any research adventure involving the use of CGE models. I also sincerely appreciate Alimatou Saadiya Diop and Addis Tigabu both of IFPRI for providing excellent logistics which made our stay in Addis Ababa very comfortable. Finally, I appreciate all participants from different countries of Africa for constituting a wonderful team of students. I am sure we are all looking forward to participating in the advanced CGE training course. Thank you. Henry Okodua, PhD