Kenya Migration Household Survey 2009

Short Name
Kenya Migration HHS 2009

The overall objective of the Kenya Migration Household Survey was to help improve the understanding of the impact of migration and remittances on the economic and social situation in sub-Saharan Africa. Presently, the knowledge base on migration and volumes and utilization of remittances in sub-Saharan Africa is quite limited. By providing rich and detailed information on the impact of migration and remittances at the household level, this survey greatly increases the ability to maximize the socio-economic impact of migration and remittances in Africa.

To these ends, the survey aimed to generate data, which would be used to study the socio-economic impacts of migration, remittances and their utilization at the household level. There are three types of households investigated: a) Non migrants; b) Internal migrants and c) International migrants.

The field work was conducted between 24th October 2009 and 22nd December 2009. A total 1942 households were covered in 17 districts capturing all eight provinces in Kenya with a total of 8,239 individuals. Of the total households, 37% had international migrants, 29% internal and the rest did not have migrants. Among the household members covered 36% were international migrants and 30% internal migrants.

Geographic Coverage: Embu, Garissa, Kakamega, Kiambu, Kilifi, Kisii, Lugari, Machakos, Malindi, Migori, Mombasa, Nairobi, Nakuru, Siaya, Thika, Vihiga, Rachuonyo

Further details of the survey, the final report, and other technical documents are located here.

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Download information

Prior to downloading the dataset for the Kenya Migration HHS, a request must be made through the World Bank.  The request form is located here.