AGRODEP Releases New Technical Note and Modeling Toolbox

AGRODEP has released the ninth paper in its Technical Note Series. Guide to Microsimulations Linked to CGE Models: How to Introduce Analysis of Poverty and Income Distribution in CGE-Based Studies, by Carmen Estrades, examines the different techniques available for capturing the micro effects of macro policies and external shocks. It also provides detailed instructions for implementing both a non-parametric microsimulation model and a representative household model using a specific example from Tanzania.

A related Micro-Macro Distributional Analysis Toolbox was also released and provides AGRODEP members with further guidance on applying these tools to their own CGE-based studies.

The AGRODEP Technical Note Series addresses the methodology, functioning, and use cases of a wide range of models and are designed to provide AGRODEP members with the most state-of-the-art tools to apply to their own research.