A 2006 Social Accounting Matrix for Nigeria: Methodology and Results

Manson Nwafor, Xinshen Diao, and Vida Alpuerto
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

The 2006 Nigeria SAM was built for the dynamic CGE (DCGE) model that examined the agriculture growth and investment options for reducing poverty in Nigeria. This report provides a detailed description of this SAM, while the DCGE analysis using the SAM. The overall structure of the SAM and its components and SAM's technical guide are presented in this paper. A detailed discussion of the 2006 Nigeria SAM accounts is provided.

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Source / Citation
Nwafor, M. X.Diao and V.Alpuerto. 2010. "A 2006 Social Accounting for Nigeria: Methodology and Results." Nigeria Strategy Support Program (NSSP) Report No. 7. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C.
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