Morocco 1990/91 Living Standards Survey (MLSS) Dataset

Short Name
MLSS 1990/91

The Morocco 1990/91 Living Standards Survey (MLSS) is supported by the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) project undertaken by the Development Research Group at the World Bank. The LSMS project explores ways of improving the type and quality of household data collected by statistical offices in developing countries. Its goal is to foster increased use of household data as a basis for policy decisionmaking. Specifically, the LSMS is working to develop new methods to monitor progress in raising levels of living, to identify the consequences for households of past and proposed government policies, and to improve communications between survey statisticians, analysts, and policy makers.

The MLSS was designed by the Moroccan Statistics Directorate (Direction de la Statistique). The survey was conducted between October 1990 and October 1991 and provides data for a sample of 3,323 households and 19,577 individuals. The main questionnaire was a multipurpose household questionnaire which collected individual and household level information on housing, health, education, economic activity, expenditures, income and savings. At the community level a separate questionnaire collected data on general facilities and characteristics of the secondary sampling units where the household survey was conducted. This community questionnaire was formulated slightly differently depending on whether the community is a rural area (douar), a small town (centre), or a neighborhood within a city (quartier). A price questionnaire was also administered in each secondary sampling unit, gathering price data on 74 basic consumption items. Finally, a survey of health dispensaries serving each community was also conducted. The data sample covered 7 economic regions in Morocco (South, Tensift, Center, Center-South, Center-North, East and North-West) and contained a total of 140 primary sampling units (Unités Primaires, UP).

Relevant documentations regarding Basic Information, Questionnaires, and Document Technique, etc. are available for downloading here


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Download information

In order to download the data, requests must be made to the Morrocan Statistics Directorate. To obtain the contact information for the request, click here. Users should explain how you plan to use the data and that you will ask the World Bank to provide the data. Once permission has been received, users may obtain the documentation and data from the LSMS Office.