Central Africa

An Analysis of Access to Central Africa's Rainforests

Susan Minnemeyer, With contributions from Tyson Walker, Jean-Gael Collomb, Linda Cotton, and Dirk Bryant
World Resources Institute
Publication date
Source / Citation
Minnemeyer S, Walker T, Collomb JG, Cotton L, Bryant D (2003) An analysis of access into Central Africa's rainforests. Washington (D. C.): World Resources Institute. 20 p.
In the absence of detailed information on forest condition, Global Forest Watch is identifying large tracts of forest unfragmented by roads to provide a coarse-scale picture of where areas that are relatively undisturbed by commercial-scale activities remain in the world’s forest. This paper focuses on the rainforests of central Africa. Results shows that much rainforest in this region remains in low access forest tracts – defined as contiguous areas free from public roads over 1,000 square kilometers in size.