GTAP Model

Primary Contact

gtapThe standard GTAP Model is a multiregion, multisector, computable general equilibrium model with perfect competition and constant returns to scale. Innovative aspects of this model include: (i) the treatment of private household preferences using the non-homothetic CDE functional form and (ii) the explicit treatment of international trade and transport margins. Bilateral trade is handled via the Armington assumption. A global banking sector intermediates between global savings and consumption. The GTAP Model also gives users a wide range of closure options, including unemployment, tax revenue replacement, and fixed trade balance closures, and a selection of partial equilibrium closures (which facilitate comparison of results to studies based on partial equilibrium assumptions).

Information on this model is provided for AGRODEP members but the model itself is not provided or maintained by the AGRODEP team. The AGRODEP team will be happy to help the AGRODEP members to be in touch with the model developers but will not provide guarantee or provide direct support in the use of the model.

For complete documentation and public access to the model, click on the following link:


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Last version on
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