South Africa General Household Survey (GHS 8), 2009

Short Name
GHS_ZAF 2009

A multi-stage stratified sample was drawn using probability proportional to size principles. The sample was drawn from the master sample, which Statistics South Africa uses to draw samples for its regular household surveys. The master sample is drawn from the database of enumeration areas (EAs) established during the demarcation phase of Census 2001. As part of the master sample, small EAs consisting of fewer than 100 households are combined with adjacent EAs to form primary sampling units (PSUs) of at least 100 households, to allow for repeated sampling of dwelling units within each PSU. The sampling procedure for the master sample involves explicit stratification by province and within each province, by urban and non-urban areas. Within each stratum, the sample was allocated disproportionately. A PPS sample of PSUs was drawn in each stratum, with the measure of size being the number of households in the PSU. Altogether approximately 3 000 PSUs were selected. In each selected PSU a systematic sample of ten dwelling units was drawn, thus, resulting in approximately 30 000 dwelling units. All households in the sampled dwelling units were enumerated. The master sample is divided into five independent clusters. In order to avoid respondent fatigue, the Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a rotating panel survey that is conducted twice yearly, whereas the GHS sample uses different clusters.

Source / Citation
Statistics South Africa (Stats SA)
First released on
Last version on
3 data files in ASCII and machine-readable documentation.