Tanzania Food Security Portal (FSP) Main Indicators

Short Name
TZA FSP Indicators

The drastic rise in food prices in recent years has raised serious concerns about food and nutrition security across the world. As a result, access to correct, relevant, and useful global price and market information is more important than ever before. To better serve this need, the Food Security Portal (FSP), which is facilitated by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), has been developed to meet the immediate needs arising from food crises as well as to build resilience and contribute to longer-term global food security. The project builds a global research-based monitoring and capacity-strengthening device for successful identification and implementation of the appropriate policy actions in response to the food crisis. All of these actions come together at the country level, where the ownership and final accountability for implementation rests.

The Food Security Portal (FSP) site acts as a data aggregator. The FSP country main Indicators consist of four categories: Commodity Prices, Population Indicators, Economic Indicators, and Food Security Indicators. They are obtained from different sources including FAO Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS), FAO International Commodity Prices, FAOSTAT, International Labor Organization (ILO) LABORSTA, International Monetary Fund (IMF), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Population Division, USAID Famine Early Warning System (FEWS), and World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI). 

Specific data sources are indicated in the Background Resources webpage.

First released on
Last version on
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Free to use, modify and distribute with due credits and citation.
Download information

Data can be viewed on individual country profile page on Food Security Portal site. Also, data can be downloaded by clicking "Download All Data" button on the upper right side of the webpage.