data quality

Assessment of the quality of data on age at first sexual intercourse, age at first marriage and age at first birth in the Demographic and Health Surveys

Ann K. Blanc and Naomi Rutenberg
Institute of Resource Development/Macro System
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Source / Citation
Blanc, Ann K. and Naomi Rutenberg. 1990. Assessment of the quality of data on age at first sexual intercourse, age at first marriage and age at first birth in the Demographic and Health Surveys, in An Assessment of DHS-I Data Quality. DHS Methodological Reports. Columbia, MD: Institute of Resource Development/Macro System, pp. 41-79

An analysis of the quality of the data on age at 1st union, age at 1st birth, and age at 1st sexual intercourse collected in Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) from 22 developing countries revealed considerable variation in the accuracy and completeness of the information collected. Accurate data on these parameters is especially important since they determine the total number of years of exposure to the risk of pregnancy and identify when the period of exposure began.