Capacity Building Programme for Inclusive Green Economy

The Environmental Economics and Policy group at Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development (GMV) at the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology has launched a program to strengthen national capacity to create an inclusive Green Economy (IGE), which is one of the prerequisites for achieving Agenda 2030. The program covers all the themes of Agenda 2030, with particular focus on Goal 8: Decent working conditions and economic growth. The main objective of the education program is to strengthen low-income countries' capacity for transformation to an inclusive green economy through increased knowledge and application of economic policy instruments, organizational change, and the building of national systems and transparent institutions. As a participant you will get greater understanding, knowledge and ability to critically review and analyze current economic policies and conditions, and identify opportunities for a transitioning towards a green economy. This will strengthen you in your role as change agents within your organization.

The program is an advanced training with direct applicability for your daily work. It includes some theoretical training within IGE, practical exercises, study visits, project development and support for implementing own change work. The focus is on the use of economic instruments such as environmental taxes, pollution fees, subsidies or subsidy reduction, trading systems and other types of financial incentives for societal development in line with Agenda 2030.
The program will educate officials (primarily economists) in government institutions such as ministry of finance, tax agencies, environmental and energy ministries, agricultural and natural resource authorities and other central government agencies for IGE. The programme strives to achieve an active and strong link to the participants’ professional area but also to strengthen the professional exchange between participants, enriching the programme through their different professional and geographical backgrounds. It has a regional focus, aiming to strengthen professional networks both within and between the represented countries.
The following countries are invited to nominate candidates: Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda
The program is an advanced training for professionals, mainly economists, who actively work with policies, programs and plans linked to IGE. In order for the participants to make the most of the education and to have reasonable opportunities to carry out their project work, as well as contribute to a long-term change process in their respective authorities and countries, we set the following requirements for applicants for the program.
Participants shall:
 have the ability and interest to drive development work within the IEG area and real application of economic instruments in policies, plans and/or programs;
 come from ministries or relevant sectoral agencies which have a clear role in developing IGE policy, plans or programs, as strategic planners or decision makers, or have the potential to take a decision-making role in their organization;
 be a key person with a mandate that provides the opportunity to drive change work;
 have an academic degree in economics or similar knowledge acquired in other ways;
 have a good knowledge of English that enables active and competent participation in words and texts during the education;
 Have the opportunity to actively participate in the entire education program.
Women, being the underrepresented gender, are encouraged to apply to the programme since we strive to obtain a gender balance.
The training programme will be organised and conducted in English.
Since much of the programme communication will be handled by e-mail, the applicant must have a well-functioning e-mail address, be an active user of e-mail and have regular, reliable access to the Internet.
Due to the character of the programme, family members are not allowed to accompany participants to the scheduled courses.
Participants are required to find funding for:
• visa fees
• domestic travel
• any local airport taxes and departure fees.
Programme fee, international travel to the scheduled course, accommodation and meals, will be covered by the programme.

Emailed applications are due on March 2, 2019. Please find here the application form and the full programme description.