ILO International Labor Statistics

Short Name

Labour statistics play an essential role in the efforts of member States to achieve decent work for all and in the ILO's support of these efforts. These statistics are needed for the development and evaluation of policies aimed toward achieving this goal and for assessing progress toward decent work for all. They are also an important tool for information and analysis, helping to increase understanding of common problems, explain actions, and mobilize interest.

The ILO Department of Statistics works with integrity, independence, and high professional standards to provide users within and outside the ILO with relevant, timely, and reliable labour statistics, to develop international standards for better measurement of labour issues and enhanced international comparability, and to help member States develop and improve their labour statistics. In doing so, it maintains strong professional relations with national statistical systems, especially central statistical agencies and ministries responsible for labour issues, and with statistics offices of other international organizations.
The Department's activities to meet its goals include: gathering and disseminating labour statistics; setting international standards for labour statistics; and providing technical cooperation, assistance, and training in labour statistics.
As the focal point within the United Nations system for labour statistics, the ILO Department of Statistics is responsible for providing other international organizations with data that are as reliable and timely as possible.
As the focal point within the ILO for statistical activities, the Department assists the Sectors in identifying their data needs, collaborates with them on the gathering of information from countries, and advises them on the use of data for specific purposes.

First released on
Last version on
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